How To: Export your Duquesne Email Contacts to Your Retiree Account



Use the Outlook Web App (OWA) to export your email contacts to an external file, which can be imported into your account.

Export your Contacts from your Account

  1. Go to and sign into your account.
  2. Click the App launcher icon in the top left corner and then select People.
  3. Click Manage and then select Export contacts.
  4. Select which contacts you want to export. You can select All contacts or a Contacts folder.
  5. Click Export. A .csv file will be downloaded onto your computer.

Import your Contacts to your Account

  1. Go to and sign into your account.
  2. Click the App launcher icon in the top left corner and then select People.
  3. Click Manage and then select Import contacts.
  4. Click Browse and find the exported contacts file. Most computers will place this file in the Downloads folder.
  5. Click Import.
  6. If prompted to check that the text looks OKreview the examples and click Looks OK, continue.
  7. After a few moments, you will see an Import successful message with a count of how many contacts were imported.



Article ID: 139
Mon 11/21/22 3:39 PM
Wed 1/15/25 10:30 AM

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