How To: Renew an SPSS License



Roughly every one to two years, the license for the SPSS statistical modeling software expires and Duquesne renews its license key. Individual users need to apply a new license key at that time. SPSS will notify you when it is time to update it. This article explains how to update your license. You will need to be connected to the Internet to authorize this license.


  1. In SPSS, click File in the upper left-hand corner, then go to Manage License
    Manage SPSS License
  2. Click Launch License Wizard
    Launch LIcense Wizard
  3. Click Authorized User License, then click Next
    Authorized User License
  4. Go here for new license codes, and then copy and paste the license code for your version, then press Add:
    Authorization Code
  5. Press Next. Then it should authorize, and ask you to restart.




Article ID: 236
Thu 8/17/23 3:51 PM
Wed 12/4/24 10:21 AM