On this Page
Our service catalog has been meticulously crafted to ensure seamless readability for our customers while expediting the assistance they require. Please adhere to the following steps when it comes to both the creation and editing of services, ensuring a smoother and more efficient process.
Edit a Service
To edit a new service:
- In, click Service Catalog and navigate to the category where the new service will live. Select the Category and find the service to edit.
![Information Technology Categories](
- Click the Edit Service button.
![Edit Service](
- Edit the Name and Short Description (this will appear below the name of the service in the catalog) of the service.
- Edit detailed information in the Long Description of the service. For guidance on formatting your service, review the Tips for Creating a Service section of this article.
- Click Save.
![Complete Service Sections](
Change Settings
- Compete the sections under Settings.
![Setting Menu](
![Setting Menu Continued](
Sharing the Service
After your service is published, you can share the service with others on your team for review.
Along the right side of the page is a Details section that gives the Service ID, information on whether it is Public, the Created and last Modified dates.
Above the Details section, you will see an Add to Favorites button, Edit Service button, and a + Service Offering button.
To share a service, click the Share button.
![click the share button to share the article](
Changing Permissions
- Click Edit Service.
![click edit article button](
- Click Permissions tab to select the service permissions. Follow on-screen instructions to make the desired selections.
![This is how you select the permissions for internal articles](
- Click Save.
![save and cancel button](
You can add related articles to your service to quickly link readers to other related materials. Related articles appear on the right side of the service page beneath the Details panel.
- In the Client Portal, open services and navigate to the desired service.
- Click Edit Service.
- Click the Related Articles tab.
- Search for the article you would like to link, either by typing in the search or clicking the magnifying glass.
- Once you have selected an article to link, click Add and Save.
Adding Service Offerings
You can add related service offerings to your service to quickly link customers to report issue/request related service offerings. Related service offerings appear as red buttons to the right and link to a service form (or external source). Repeat these steps for any additional Service Offering.
Note: Once a Service Offering is added, any Request Application and Request Service Text (Red Button) that was previously added while originally creating the service will be removed and will need to be added as a Service Offering.
- Click + Add Service Offering.
- Add Name.
- Select Manager.
- Select Request Application / Type.
- Enter Request Service Offering Text.
- Click Save.
Tips for Creating a Service
Adding Information Under Headings
Once you select the template, add detailed and direct information under each heading.
- What is it?
- This will describe what the service is to the customer. Keep this short if possible.
- Where can I get it?
- This will describe where the customer can find the service. They may need to select one of the service offering Red Buttons, or maybe the customer will need to be directed to a link.
- Who is it for?
- The five audiences are, Faculty, Staff, Students, Alumni, and Retirees.
- How much does it cost?
- List the cost of the service for the customer. If there is no cost, type Free.
Adding Tables
Tables are used to organize word lists and data that are too detailed or complicated to be described adequately in the direct text, allowing the customer to quickly see the data.
- From the menu bar in Long Description, select the table icon.
![Table Icon](
- Select your desired Table Properties.
![Table Properties for a table](
- Click OK and add your data to the table.
Numbers and Bullet Points
When creating lists, we recommend using bullet points or numbers.
To do this, enter your first step or bullet point on a new line, and then select the numbered list or bullet point button:
![number and bullet lists buttons](
You can use the Tab key to indent the numbered list, creating a new numbered list underneath one, or allowing you to switch the indented list to a bullet point list. You can un-indent the list by pressing Shift + Tab simultaneously.
You can thus mix numbered lists and bullet points using indentation; all numbers in a list on the same indentation will be ordered by their number, so a new row with a different indentation will have a different order. For example:
- This is the first indentation.
- This is the second indentation
- This is the third indentation, set as bullet points
- This is the second indentation, second step.
- This is the first indentation, second step.
Feel free to experiment with this indentation to get an idea of how to format your service.
Adding Images
To add an image:
- Move the cursor in the editor to a new line where you want to place an image.
- Tip: In a numbered or bullet list, press Shift + Enter to add a new line below the current list item before placing the image.
![Image: The cursor of the body editor, with an arrow highlighting its placement](
- Click the Add Image button.
![add image button](
- Switch to the Upload tab
![Image: The Image Properties box, with the Upload tab highlighted](
- Click Browse... and select the image you want to add to the service, then click Send it to the Server to upload that image to the service
![Image: Image Properties Upload tab with arrows highlighting the Browse and Send it to the Server buttons](
- The next screen will be an image properties screen. You can change things about the image:
- Alternative Text: This step is required; this is descriptive text that is used to describe the image's content. This helps those who use screen reading software understand what the content of an image is without needing to visually see it.
- Width and Height: This sets the dimensions of the image in pixels. Generally, try to keep images below 550 pixels in width, and below 800 pixels in height for best results.
- Border: This creates and sets the thickness in pixels of a black-lined "border" around the image.
- HSpace and VSpace: By setting HSpace or VSpace in pixels, you add blank vertical or horizontal space to the area around the image.
- Alignment: This can be used to justify the image to the right side of the service page.
![Image: A screenshot of the Image Properties screen](
- Press OK to add your image to the service page.
Anchors are infrequently employed during the service creation process; however, their necessity might arise in instances where the service page extends to considerable lengths. These are links to other parts of the same page.
In this case, you would not link to a different page. Instead, you can link to anchor points. These are special links to other parts of the service page. Follow these steps to create one:
- Click the Anchor button, represented by a black flag.
![The anchor button](
- Enter a descriptive, unique name for the anchor. This name should not be used in different anchors elsewhere on the page. You cannot use spaces in the name; you must use either dashes or underscores if you would like to use spaces.
![Anchor Properties, Anchor Name](
- The anchor will appear as a small red flag, which can be cut and pasted and dragged and dropped in the service.
![Anchor flag](
- To link to the anchor, highlight the text that you want to link to and press the link button.
![Link button](
- Select link to anchor in the text, and then select the anchor you created and press OK to link to your anchor.
![Link to Anchor in the Text](