How To: Create and Edit a Canvas Page



This article provides steps on how to create, add content to, and edit Pages in Canvas.

On this page


Creating a Page

  1. From the Module area, click on the + sign in the appropriate module

    Plus Sign
  2. Click on Page from the dropdown area
    1. Click on [ Create Page ]
    2. Name your page in the textbox next to Page Name
    3. Click the red Add Item button

      Create Page Image

Adding Content to a Page

  1. Click on your Page within your Module

Page within module image

  1. Click on Edit
    Edit Button Image
  2. Add links, files, images, text, and other content using the Rich Content Editor. Learn more about the Rich Content Editor.

Page Options

If implementing a Wiki type of interaction in your course, enable editing for Teachers and students or Anyone. If not using the Wiki format skip to step 2. 

  • Allow users to edit the page
    1. Only teachers – Only users enrolled as Teachers can edit
    2. Teachers and students – Users enrolled as Teachers or Students can edit
    3. Anyone – Any user enrolled in the course site can edit

      Only Teachers Image
  • Add to student to-do – If you select this, the page displays in the students’ to-do list and in the course calendar
  • Publish At – select the calendar icon to choose the day and time you would like the page published for students to view. 

    Publish at Image
  • Assign Access
    1. Assign To: decide who has access to the page Everyone, single section, or individual student(s).
    2. Available from: Add a specific date and time for when assigned users can start viewing the page
    3. Until: Add a specific date and time for when assigned users can no longer view the page
    4. + Add: If not assign the Page to Everyone you can set up didn’t Assign To individuals and available from and until dates. 

      Assign Access Image
  • Save your changes
    1. Cancel – Undo all changes
    2. Save & Publish – Save content and make it available for students to view and/or edit (if allowed in options)
    3. Save – Save all changes

Save Image







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Article ID: 453
Mon 2/3/25 11:32 AM
Mon 2/10/25 9:45 AM

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