COM - IT Event & Meeting Support

What Is It?

Requests for IT support for events happening in the COM supported spaces. These include but are not limited to

  1. The COM building
  2. Bayer 101 and Wolfe
  3. Gumberg Library, 3rd Floor 

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

COM students, faculty and staff.

Where Can I Get It?

Submit a request via TDX. The request should have the following details

  1. Event Name
  2. Date
  3. Space needed for event
  4. Type of event
    1. In-person
    2. Hybrid
    3. Online 
  5. Expected support levels 

How Much Does It Cost?

Most event support will be free but is subject to additional cost based on the complexity of the event. Additional costs incurred by contracting outside vendors or procuring materials to support the event will be billed back at cost to event organizers.

Request Service


Service ID: 410
Mon 1/29/24 3:36 PM
Mon 4/15/24 5:04 PM