Reserve a Computer Lab

What Is It?

25Live, the University's scheduling system, is used to request computer labs for teaching. To reserve a computer lab, locate the administrator in your department trained to use 25Live and ask them to reserve a lab for you. Please allow 48 to 72 business hours for the request to be confirmed. Once your request is confirmed, you will receive an email confirmation with the details.

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

Faculty and Staff

Where Can I Get It?

To reserve a lab for a semester-long course, locate the administrator in your department that is trained to use 25Live and ask them to reserve a lab for you. The request will then be facilitated through the University Registrar's office.

If no one in your department has been trained to schedule computer labs using 25Live, please send an email to

How Much Does It Cost?


CTS Labs Schedule


Reserve a Computer Lab


Service Offering Id: 70
Tue 10/25/22 2:58 PM
Tue 4/2/24 6:41 PM