How To: Create A Discussion in Canvas


This article is intended to show the user how to create a new Discussion and add an existing Discussion, to a Module in Canvas.

On This Page

Create a New Discussion

  1. Click Modules in the course navigation menu.
    A screenshot of the Modules option on Canvas
  2. Choose the Module you wish to create a Discussion in, click the + sign, located to the far right.
    A screenshot demonstrating a module's Add + button
  3. To create a new Discussion:
    • a. Click the dropdown arrow next to Add and choose Discussion from the list.
    • b. Click on [Create Topic].
    • c. Type the name of the Discussion in the Topic Name text box.
    • d. Click Add Item when finished.
      A screenshot of the Add Item to Discussion form
  4.  To create the Discussion, click the Discussion name.
    A screenshot of the Create Discussion form
  5. Click Edit in the upper righthand corner.
    A screenshot of a Discussion with the Edit button highlighted
  6. In the text box underneath the Rich Content Editor (RCE), type or upload instructions for the Discussion. Optional: Press enter and insert other content that will go along with the Discussion, in the text box. i.e. videos, files, images, etc.
    A screenshot of the Rich Content Editor
    Note: Please refer to the RCE tutorial, using the corresponding link, to learn more about items available on the RCE. Rich Content Editor Tutorial
  7. The Post to section is automatically set to All Sections. If you wish to select a specific section(s), click the dropdown arrow and select the section you wish to post to.
    A screenshot of the Post To section on Canvas
  8. If you wish to add an attachment to the discussion, click Browse (Firefox)/Choose File (Chrome) and select the file you wish to upload.
    A screenshot of the Attachment form
  9. Include any Options in this section by clicking the box to their left:
    • a. Allow threaded replies
    • b. Users must post before seeing replies
    • c. Enable podcast feed: If selected, another box will appear with the choice to include student replies in podcast feed.
    • d. Graded: If selected, you will also be given the options of Points Possible, Display grade as, and Assignment Group.
    • e. Allow liking: If selected, you will also be given the options of only graders can like and sort by likes.
    • f. Add to student to-do: If selected, you will need to include a date for this Discussion to be added to student to-do lists.
      A screenshot of the Options on the RCE
      Note: These additional options will appear under the Group Discussion box if Graded is chosen above.
      A screenshot of additional options for Graded discussions
  10. If this is a group discussion, click the box next to This is a Group Discussion.
    A screenshot of the box next to This is a Group Discussion
  11. Select your Available From and Until dates.
    • a. Available from: Click on the calendar icon to choose a scheduled date and/or time for the Discussion to become available to students.
    • b. Until: Click on the calendar icon to choose a scheduled end date and/or time for the Discussion to stop being available to students.
      Note: These dates and times are not required to create a Discussion.
      Note: If choosing an Until date/time, the Discussion will no longer be available to students and will appear in the Closed Discussions section of the Discussions area on the Course Navigation menu.
      A screenshot of the available from and until form in Canvas Discussions
  12. When you are completely finished, click Save & Publish.
    A screenshot demonstrating the Save & Publish button
    Note: click Save if you do not want to publish the Discussion yet.

Add an Existing Discussion

  1. Click Modules in the course navigation menu.
    A screenshot of the Modules option on Canvas
  2. Choose the Module you wish to create a Discussion in, click the + sign, located to the far right.
    A screenshot demonstrating a module's Add + button
  3. In the Add Item pop up window:
    • a. Click the dropdown arrow next to Add and choose Discussion from the list.
    • b. In the list below, find and click the name of the Discussion you wish to add.
    • c. Click Add Item when finished.
      A screenshot of the Add Item to Week 1 screen
  4. The Discussion will now appear under the Module it has been added to.
    A screenshot of the Discussion being added to the module


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Article ID: 107
Thu 11/10/22 10:54 AM
Wed 11/15/23 8:59 AM

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Canvas is the University's Learning Management System (LMS) where faculty post course materials and assignments.