How To: Use Box


Box is a cloud storage service that you can use for file sharing and collaboration across multiple devices.


How to use Box

Sign into Box

  1. Go to
  2. On the "Part of Duquesne University?" prompt, click Continue to be directed to a Duquesne University login page.
  3. Sign in with your MultiPass username and password.

Upload content

After signing into Box:

  1. Click Upload and select whether you are uploading a file or folder.
  2. Use your device's file browser to locate the file or folder you want to upload and click OK.

Edit content

To edit a Microsoft Office file:

  1. Select the file.
  2. Click Open and then choose to open the file on your desktop or online.
  3. Make your changes to the file and save. Box will automatically create a new version of the file.

Share files and collaborate in Box

Create shared links

Shared links let you quickly copy and share hyperlinks to content stored in Box with individuals inside and outside Duquesne University.

After signing into Box:

  1. Hover over the content you want to share and then click Share.
  2. Click the Enable shared link toggle to create a shared link.
  3. Click Invited People Only to choose the permission level for the shared link.

You can also customize the link settings of your shared link, such as setting an expiration date or customizing the URL.

Invite collaborators

A collaborator is someone you invite to a file or folder. When you add someone as a collaborator to a file or folder, it will appear in their Box account.

After signing into Box:

  1. Hover over the file or folder you want to share and then click Share.
  2. Type the name or email address of the collaborator.
  3. Select Invite as Editor and choose whether you want to invite the collaborator as an editor or reviewer.
  4. In the Message field, type a message of up to 750 characters for the collaborator (this step is optional).
  5. Click Send.

Note: If you send a collaboration invitation to someone without a Box account, they will be prompted to sign up for a Box account before accessing the shared content.


Storing University data in Box

Box has been reviewed by our Information Security team and has been approved for storing the following types of data:

  • Level 1: Restricted
  • Level 2: Internal
  • Level 3: Public

If you are storing University data in Box, review and classify this data to ensure it is protected from unauthorized access.


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Article ID: 9
Wed 10/5/22 10:27 AM
Fri 1/6/23 11:32 AM

Related Services / Offerings (2)

Box is a cloud storage service that you can use for file sharing and collaboration across multiple devices.
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