Sponsored Accounts

Tags faculty staff

What Is It?

If you have a guest visiting Duquesne University, you can create a sponsored account to give them access to campus resources, such as DuqNet and CTS-managed computer labs. Individuals eligible for a sponsored account include guests and University affiliates. Individuals who are not affiliated with the University in an official capacity can use a sponsored account. This includes, but is not limited to, contractors, vendors, visiting scholars, alumni and event guests.

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

Faculty and Staff

Duquesne faculty and staff with an active MultiPass account can create or request a sponsored account.

Where Can I Get It?

Click the "Request Access" button.

How Much Does It Cost?



A sponsored account's password expires every six months. If a sponsored account password is set to expire before the sponsored account's end date, change the sponsored account password.

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Thu 4/11/24 8:38 AM