CashNet is the eCommerce credit card processing solution for departments and student organizations that need to take credit card payments online.
OmniCMS is used by staff/faculty to create official, public-facing DUQ websites and webpages that are DUQ branded, meet accessibility requirements, and render well on a range of devices.
Duquesne Online Resources and Information Portal for faculty, staff and students.
Jotform is an online form builder that helps you in creating forms, surveys, order forms, etc.
Duquesne University webpages are managed and updated using Modern Campus content management system (Omni CMS). Omni CMS allows for self-service web editing and publishing.
Marketing & Communication provides consulting and assistance for the creation of website pages.
This service provides consultation/assistance with the Duquesne website navigation/structure edits.
Submit a request to have shorter URL created for use on publications, websites, or marketing materials.